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Yoga Postures - Dhanurasana, Bow Pose

Meaning of the word Dhanurasana, a Sanskrit word, is 'bow-shaped.' While doing this asana, the posture of our body looks like a 'Bow.' Thus it is named so.



Method of doing Dhanurasana is as under.

  • First of all unfold your Yoga net on the floor and lie down on your stomach.
  • Now keeping the palms upward, just position your chin on the floor. Then start bending your knees towards your body and finally grab both of your ankles with respective hands.
  • Here the real Dhanur-asana starts. Keep inhaling slowly and try raising your knees by pulling the ankles with your hands. Simultaneously try raising your chest above the floor. When you can not inhale more, hold it.
  • Once you tilt your head backward, your body would come in a 'Bow Posture'. You can hold your body in this posture as long as you can. For the beginners, it would be advisable to keep for ten to thirty seconds.

  • To get your body released from this asana, do all the things in reverse order.

Benefits of doing Dhanurasana are many. All the asanas have their general benefits increasing the health and vitality of our body. The Dhanur-asana has its peculiar benefits, too. Here are some of them.

  • Dhanur-asana helps keeping the flexibility of spine in order and helps in reducing back pain, both lower and upper.
  • It keeps our neck free of tension.
  • It helps in digestion, too, as the area of abdominal muscles gets increased flow of blood by practising this asana.

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