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Kriya yoga

Kriya yoga is an ancient system to harmonize the existing energies within the individual. Kriya yoga is all about spontaneity and the process does not involve unnecessary force and struggle in the practice. As a process Kriya yoga brings one-pointedness very naturally by harmonizing the mental and the emotional energies. It helps in converging all the energies in individual into a bindu. This is the gateway of shoonya and higher states of dhyana. State of bindu is beyond the state of vikshepa i.e. dissipation. |


Kriya yoga implies techniques of various mudras (psycho-physical gestures), bandhas (Psychic locks) and asanas (postures). Consciousness of the sadhaka rotates through the fixed psychic paths. The system of Kriya yoga has similarities with tai chi chuan; the dynamic meditation system of Chinese. Both utilize perfect harmony and channelization of physical, pranic (vital energy) and mental energies with heightened awareness.

Kriya yoga is designed to transform tamas into sattva.  It brings dynamic relaxation. Swami Satyananda says in his book that it is a system of yogic alchemy. It is all about aligning the internal energies which results in creating an individual a ‘vibrant whole’. The entire system of Kriya yoga is against any suppression but providing a positive direction to already exiting individual energies.


This process brings the awareness of the practitioner to the proximity of subtle perception; to the realm which is vibrant substratum of our being. Therefore the whole system is like a philosopher’s stone which can transmute the being. The loss of vitality in nature is because of dissipation of energy. Kriya yoga opens up one self to the immensely creative and vibrant world of energies.

The techniques of Kriya yoga follow the steps of:

  1. Pratyahara (withdrawal  of awareness from senses)
  2. Dharana (Spontaneous One-pointed ness)
  3. Dhyana (Establishing into the state of spontaneity)

Tools of Kriya yoga

  1. Asana (Hatha yogic poses)
  2. Pranayama (Hatha yogic breathing)
  3. Mudra ( Psychic gestures)
  4. Bandha (psychic locks)
  5. Mantra (psychic sound vibration)
  6. Psychic passage awareness

There are twenty main kriyas which are to be followed in a prescribed sequence for a prescribed number of rounds and duration to experience the desired effects.


Besides the above techniques and the underlying principles there are certain points which should be observed consistently. For example food ideally should be nourishing and full of life. It should be light and refreshing which awakens the mind, body and the soul. Ideally vegetarian diet is most welcome for this discipline. It should be taken at right time in right quantity. In case of any imbalance in the body and mind like some illnesses or any serious mental upheavals, one should not attempt Kriya yoga. To begin the journey of Kriya yoga it is of utmost importance that one should have the understanding of yogic process and techniques which are included in the six tools of Kriya yoga.

Before starting the kriyas it is advisable to perform a few rounds of sun salutation and shavasana.

For centuries the system of Kriya yoga kept evolving through the tradition of direct teaching of guru to disciples and is very relevant in the modern age for the modern mind is exhausted and fatigued because of dissipation and improper utilization of mental and emotional energies.

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